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07-27-2023, 03:19 PM
Post: #1
[GET] God Particle Book Pack, For Those Who May Be Interested.
God Particle Book Pack, For Those Who May Be Interested. Some trivia, this may mean/be the new beginning of the New Mayan calendar. May the next 24,000 years be better than the last 24,000 years. First Light: A History of Creation Myths from Gilgamesh to the God Particle Author(s): GR Evans Publisher: I.B. Tauris, Year: 2014 ISBN: 9780755623679,9781780761558 Description: Did the universe start with a bang, or has it existed always? Was there a supernatural being behind it all, or just mindless forces? The beginning of things has forever tested the limits of curiosity, and such questions have both challenged atheists and inspired believers. Ancient cultures resorted to myth and symbolism to tell vibrant stories about human origins. Later civilizations added philosophical and scientific explanations: but these are not definitive. The nature and meaning of existence - the 'why' as much as the 'how' questions - are in the end mysterious. In this lively and wide-ranging book, G R Evans explores the world's myriad creation stories against the background of the biggest question there is: what are we doing here? Discussing Swahili legends that resemble the Book of Genesis, Greek tales about the Titans, Native American, Inca and Mesopotamian mythologies, and Vedic creation cycles that begin with a cosmic egg or seed, the author surveys polytheist, monotheist and dualist ideas about supernatural power. Tracing the history of humanity as it has struggled, over many millennia, to make sense of itself, The Creation Myth will attract students of religion, history and philosophy and general readers alike. ____ Beyond the God Particle Author(s): Leon M. Lederman, Christopher T. Hill Publisher: Prometheus Books, Year: 2013 ISBN: 1616148012,9781616148010 Description: Two leading physicists discuss the importance of the Higgs Boson, the future of particle physics, and the mysteries of the universe yet to be unraveled. On July 4, 2012, the long-sought Higgs Boson--aka "the God Particle"--was discovered at the world's largest particle accelerator, the LHC, in Geneva, Switzerland. On March 14, 2013, physicists at CERN confirmed it. This elusive subatomic particle forms a field that permeates the entire universe, creating the masses of the elementary particles that are the basic building blocks of everything in the known world--from viruses to elephants, from atoms to quasars. Starting where Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman's bestseller The God Particle left off, this incisive new book explains what's next. Lederman and Hill discuss key questions that will occupy physicists for years to come: * Why were scientists convinced that something like the "God Particle" had to exist? * What new particles, forces, and laws of physics lie beyond the "God Particle"? * What powerful new accelerators are now needed for the US to recapture a leadership role in science and to reach "beyond the God Particle," such as Fermilab's planned Project-X and the Muon Collider? Using thoughtful, witty, everyday language, the authors show how all of these intriguing questions are leading scientists ever deeper into the fabric of nature. Readers of The God Particle will not want to miss this important sequel. _____ The God Particle Author(s): d**** Teresi, Leon Lederman Publisher: Houghton Mifflin, Year: 1993 ISBN: 0395558492,9780395558492 Description: The world's foremost experimental physicist uses humor, metaphor, and storytelling to delve into the mysteries of matter, discussing the particle accelerator and the as-yet-to-be-discovered God particle. 85,000 first printing. $100,000 ad/promo. Tour. ___ Higgs: The Invention and Discovery of the 'God Particle' Author(s): Jim Baggott Publisher: Oxford University Press, Year: 2012 ISBN: 978-0-19-960349-7 Description: The hunt for the Higgs particle has involved the biggest, most expensive experiment ever. So exactly what is this particle? Why does it matter so much? What does it tell us about the Universe? Did the discovery announced on 4 July 2012 finish the search? And was finding it really worth all the effort? The short answer is yes. The Higgs field is proposed as the way in which particles gain mass - a fundamental property of matter. It's the strongest indicator yet that the Standard Model of physics really does reflect the basic building blocks of our Universe. Little wonder the hunt and discovery of this new particle produced such intense media interest. Here, Jim Baggott explains the science behind the discovery, looking at how the concept of a Higgs field was invented, how the vast experiment was carried out, and its implications on our understanding of all mass in the Universe. ___ The God Particle If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? Author(s): Leon Lederman; d**** Teresi Publisher: Mariner Books, Year: 2006 ISBN: 0618711686, 9780618711680 ____ Beyond the God Particle cover Author(s): Hill, Christopher T.;Lederman, Leon M Publisher: Prometheus Books, Year: 2013 ISBN: 9781616148010,9781616148027,1616148012,1616148020 Description: Two leading physicists discuss the importance of the Higgs Boson, the future of particle physics, and the mysteries of the universe yet to be unraveled. On July 4, 2012, the long-sought Higgs Boson--aka "the God Particle"--was discovered at the world's largest particle accelerator, the LHC, in Geneva, Switzerland. On March 14, 2013, physicists at CERN confirmed it. This elusive subatomic particle forms a field that permeates the entire universe, creating the masses of the elementary particles that are the basic building blocks of everything in the known world--from viruses to elephants, from atoms to quasars. Starting where Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman's bestseller The God Particle left off, this incisive new book explains what's next. Lederman and Hill discuss key questions that will occupy physicists for years to come: * Why were scientists convinced that something like the "God Particle" had to exist? * What new... ___ God versus particle physics: a no-score draw: a psychological analysis of theories about life, the universe, and everything Author(s): Davies, John Booth Publisher: Andrews UK;Imprint Academic, Year: 2013 ISBN: 9781845405595,9781306056380,1306056381,1845405595 Description: The book presents the conclusions of a psychologist seeking to make sense of contemporary particle physics as described in a number of popular science texts and media articles, written by physicists, seeking to explain the workings of the sub-atomic world. The accounts, it is argued, are a) mutually exclusive and contradictory, and b) metaphysical or magical in essence. Themes of the book include: a discussion of the way we allow physicists to invent things that have no perceivable qualities, on the grounds that they 'must' be there because otherwise their preconceptions are wrong or their sums don't work; that, from a psychological perspective, contemporary theory in particle physics has the same properties as any other act of faith, and the same limitations as belief in God; and that physics has now reached a point at which increasingly physicists research their own psychological constructions rather than anything which is unambiguously 'there' or real. It encourages people to ask basic questions of the type we often use to question the existence of God; such as 'Where is he/it?', 'Show me?', 'Do it then', 'When did it happen?', 'How do you know it exists?', and so on, and suggests that people take a leaf out of Dawkins' text, The God Delusion, but apply it to high-end physics as much as to religious dogma: turning water into wine is a mere conjuring trick compared to producing an entire universe out of nothing. ___ Beyond the God particle - 2013 Author(s): Lederman, Leon and Christopher Hill Publisher: Prometheus Books, Year: 2013 ISBN: 9781616148010,9781616148027,2013022346 Table of contents : GOD PARTICLE CHRISTOPHER HILL BEYOND LEON LEDERMAN NOBEL LAUREATE CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION IRONY IN THE 90S THE BIGGEST “EXOGENOUS INPUT” EVER THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP: THE US CONGRESS IS IT RECOVERABLE? LONG LIVE THE KING THE GRAND SYNTHESIS COMMISSIONING THE WORLD S LARGEST PARTICLE COLLIDER ISN’T EASY OH, $%and#! “ACH! IF I’D KNOWN THERE WOULD BE SO MANY PARTICLES I WOULD HAVE BEEN A BOTANIST INSTEAD.” WHAT’S IN A NAME? A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE BIG QUESTIONS THE “PHYSICS AS AN ONION” METAPHOR A SIMPLE HOME-BREW EXPERIMENT PEERING INSIDE THE ATOM THINKING THROUGH THE ATOM QUANTUM WAVES AND COSMIC RAYS THE MYSTERY DEEPENS: WHAT HOLDS THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS TOGETHER? WHO ORDERED THAT? THE LOWLY MUON THE MUON IS NATURE’S PERFECT GYROSCOPE PARITY A PERSONAL RECOLLECTION OF THE DISCOVERY OF PARITY VIOLATION ALL ABOUT MASS WHAT IS MASS? MASS IS A MEASURE OF QUANTITY OF MATTER MASS IS NOT WEIGHT MEASURING MASS CAN BE TRICKY MASS IS NOT ENERGY RELATIVISTIC ENERGY E = mc2 BUT WHAT IS MASS? MASS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE THE MASSES OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES NO MASS SYMMETRY IN MASSLESSNESS THE QUANTUM REALM THE EMERGENCE OF QUANTUM IDEAS OF MASS IT’S ALL IN THE VACUUM HOW CAN I ESCAPE THE VACUUM? Space-time An event in space-time An event in space-time Sound emanating from firecracker event Light emanating from firecracker event Light emanating from firecracker event MOTION IN SPACE-TIME The motion of photons x, space The motion of muons t, time MUON AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT CHIRALITY A Right-Handed Corkscrew THE SPACE-TIME PICTURE WITH CHIRALITY THE FORCES OF NATURE KNOW ABOUT CHIRALITY RESTORING MASS TO THE MUON Figure 5.18. At the quantum level, a muon at rest has a definite spin, but it is oscillating rapidly between L and R chirality. HOLD ON A MINUTE! THE WEAK INTERACTIONS AND THE HIGGS BOSON THE WEAK INTERACTIONS HOW DO THE WEAK INTERACTIONS WORK? t, time x, space AYE, HERE’S THE RUB t, time x, space μ- ENTER THE HIGGS BOSON t, time x, space BUT WHAT ABOUT MASS? THE HIGGS VACUUM x, space t, time LET’S TAKE A BREAK MICROSCOPES TO PARTICLE ACCELERATORS MICROSCOPES TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGE HOW DOES IT WORK? MICROSCOPES THAT DON’T USE LIGHT! PARTICLE ACCELERATORS ELECTRIC FIELDS ACCELERATE CHARGED PARTICLES THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL PARTICLE ACCELERATORS LINACS SCRFS: THE NEXT BILLION-DOLLAR THING FOR THE ECONOMY? MAGNETIC FIELDS MAKE PARTICLES MOVE IN CIRCLES ELECTRIC CURRENTS PRODUCE MAGNETIC FIELDS S CYCLOTRONS SYNCHROTRONS MAGNETIC LENSING THE WORLD’S GREAT COLLIDERS LHC THE DETECTORS BEYOND THE LHC? RARE PROCESSES PRELUDES TO PARTICLE PHYSICS THE FIRST RAYS OF DAWN INSPIRATION RUTHERFORD’S RADIOACTIVITY ANTIMATTER filled negative energy states un-filled negative energy state = “hole” BETA DECAY: THE SIMPLEST WEAK INTERACTION THEY DID IT WITHOUT COLLIDERS? THE RARE WEAR PROCESSES proton THE OTHER LOOKING GLASSES CPT DOES ANY COMBINATION OF MIRRORS TAKE US HOME? NEUTRINOS THE PARTICLES WITH THE SMALLEST MASSES NEUTRINO CP VIOLATION LONG BASE LINES PUTTING NEUTRINOS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE PROJECT X FERMILAB’S PROJECT X PROJECT X NEUTRINO EXPERIMENTS RARE KAON PROCESSES AND CP VIOLATION RARE MUON PROCESSES: μ TO e CONVERSION PROJECT X PROBES OF ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENTS USING RARE ISOTOPES RIDDING THE WORLD OF PLUTONIUM AND PROVIDING ETERNAL CLEAN ENERGY: ACCELERATOR-DRIVEN SUBCRITICAL REACTORS BEYOND PROJECT X: THE NEXT COLLIDER Q: HOW TO BUILD A STARSHIP? A: START AT THE BEGINNING BEYOND THE HIGGS BOSON CONFUSED ABOUT BIG SCIENCE THE CONNECTIONS THE UNHEALTHY WEALTHY STATE HOW DOES THE HIGGS BOSON GET ITS MASS? FINALE APPENDIX THE STRONG INTERACTIONS TOO MANY FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES THE STRATUM OF QUARKS AND LEPTONS TODAY: THE PATTERNS OF QUARKS, LEPTONS, AND BOSONS Gauge Bosons Figure A.36. Table of Gauge Bosons. These are also the known “force carriers” and all are defined by “gauge” symmetries. blue quark blue quark (blue anti-red) gluon SPIN EXCHANGE SYMMETRY BOSONS FERMIONS GAUGE SYMMETRY YANG-MILLS GAUGE THEORY THE WEAK FORCE AS A GAUGE THEORY NOTES CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE BIG QUESTIONS CHAPTER 3. WHO ORDERED THAT? CHAPTER 4. ALL ABOUT MASS mv2, and p = mv. CHAPTER 5. MASS UNDER THE MICROSCOPE CHAPTER 7. MICROSCOPES TO PARTICLE ACCELERATORS Fab= CHAPTER 8. THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL PARTICLE ACCELERATORS CHAPTER 9. RARE PROCESSES CHAPTER 10. NEUTRINOS CHAPTER 11. PROJECT X CHAPTER 12. BEYOND THE HIGGS BOSON APPENDIX INDEX ___ Magic Button : sprawn |