[GET] Fatboys Fake Traffic Generator V2
fatboy;3048138 Wrote:Hey all.
Since I posted my traffic generator ages ago, I had a hard drive crash meaning I lost the code (I know, no backups!!) and lots of people have been asking for it again.
I have put together a slightly improved version that has to be run from the command line - if you have a Linux box, cron the script to run every minute or so, lots of hits 24/7 ;)
To run it from the command line, you need to type:
php generator.php http://site-to-visit.com 34
The script will then visit http://site-to-visit.com 34 times (as long as your proxies work well :)
There is a very basic output on the screen when its running:
. = Visit did not work, 99% of the time a duff proxy
o = Visit worked, you should see something in the logs
The script will randomly select a proxy, a useragent and a referrer from your lists and hit your site.
Anyway, download it and give it a whizz:
The zip contains one PHP file and three TXT files.
VT: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/repo...1311438218
Have fun!