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06-28-2016, 08:43 AM
Post: #1
[GET] Direct Meditation: Finding Your Authentic Self
Brand New Class...Very Limited Batch of FREE Coupons, Enroll Now:



This short class is for anyone who wants to learn to meditate or is currently practicing but wants to deepen their practice.

When you enroll, you will be taught one of the simplest and most profound methods of meditation that I've personally ever found.

It's often referred to as the direct path to enlightenment.

It's called "Self-Enquiry" (that's the correct spelling). This was the primary method popularized by Ramana Maharishi one of the most revered and respected Hindu sages in history.

The method itself is thousands of years old originally discussed in the Upanishads, which is one of the oldest recorded spiritual texts on the planet.

Why should you care? What does it do?

Not only does this method provide a powerful road to enlightenment but it also can help you to effectively stop the wheels of negative thinking quickly.

Through this simple practice, layers of false ideas can be shed as you uncover our true self.

Although this practice is very simple, I would encourage you to proceed with humility as it isn't necessarily easy.

I invite you to go ahead and enroll in this class now to start using this powerful method to more fully live from the most authentic place inside yourself.

Enroll Now:

