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09-08-2023, 02:02 AM
Post: #1
[GET] ATtiny microcontroller development for Arduino programmers
ATtiny microcontroller development for Arduino programmers
A practical guide for the development with the microcontrollers ATtiny 24/44/84 and 25/45/85
Rating: 4.6 out of 5
(17 ratings)
1,363 students
6.5 hours on-demand video
1 downloadable resource

ATtinys are low-cost microcontrollers that impress with their small form factor and low power consumption (~4-8µA during DeepSleep). The ATtinys can be programmed easily and quickly in the familiar Arduino environment (IDE and C++), so you have a cheap alternative to the Arduinos and ESPs. The ATtinys can be operated with a button battery CR2032 and have enough memory for common DIY projects.

For the whole course the ATtinys 25/24, 44/45 and 84 as well as the Digispark ATtiny85 are used.

What we go through in the course:

Basics of Atmel ATtiny microcontrollers.

Getting to know different components like transistors, OLED displays, shift registers and much more.

Getting to know different upload variants for flashing the ATtinys

Use of Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO or Arduino IDE

Set hardware configurations like CPU clock frequency, brown-out detection etc.

Use of digital-analog GPIOs and PWM controls

Practical example: Digital dice with random number and LEDs

PraPractical examplexisbeispiel: Digital dice with WS2812b and FastLED

Practical example: Binary clock with RTC Module and Shift Register

Practical example: Plant monitor and Deepsleep with CR2032 Battery

Practical example: Plant monitor with OLED

Practical example: Tones (creating own Melody) as circuit board pendan

Practical example: Transistor circuit with reedswitch and clap detector

Practical example: Temperature sensor with OLED 0,96” at Digispark ATtiny85

Practical example: DIY Rubber Ducky with Digispark ATtiny85


