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04-03-2013, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2013 05:38 PM by chakradhiraj.)
Post: #1
[GET] 11 Ways To Generate New Product Ideas by Andrew Peacock
Google was late to SEARCH , Facebook was late to SOCIAL NETWORKING , Apple was late to the MP3 PLAYER ! Where would we be if they listened to everyone who said they were too late ? So its never too late . Just DO IT BETTER !

As per the above saying , it doesn’t necessarily require you to have a very new product idea to start ( well there is nothing in this world as new ) . All you require is a product idea that is chosen well and can be well executed . So you dont always need to do different things , its enough if you do things differently to make a successful product . Especially in the field of Software , Web , Mobile etc. you can always build on some existing product idea and make it better to make it a big hit ( and this science has been proven again and again by successful companies ) . So the most important thing in creating a new product is how you are gonna approach a problem and how you are going to construct a new product idea around the problem . It is best to always move several steps away from the issue / problem and think of a solution for the problem than to sit inside the problem and think of the solution to it . The more further you go away form the pain point and have a look at it , the more angels you will be able to look at the pain point . This also gives you a 360 degrees view of the issue thus resulting in making you think of the solution in a totally new approach – which can be converted to a solid and useful product . When thinking of new product ideas you should be able to generate numerous product ideas on a subject and then lay all your options on front of you and choose the best option to develop it into that one compelling and valuable product . To help you in generating new product ideas and to season your mind in a totally new way of thinking to generate new Product ideas Andrew has come up with a spectacular eBook that opens up various ways you can employ to think generate valuable new product ideas . Here are some of the ways to generate new product ideas ( which are explained elaborately in the FREE eBook ) :

- Create An Email Course With Reprint Rights For Quick And Easy Cash

- Use Article Directories To Spy On What Your Competitors Think Hot Topics Are.

- Strengthen A Weak Point In A Competitor’s Successful Product.

- Contact Publishers Who Cater To The Market You Want To Reach.

- Subscribe To Lots Of Lists That Cater To The Market You Want To Reach.

- Create Offers Specifically For Women.

- Create A Product Based On Something You’ve Actually Done.

- Ask Yourself Open Ended Questions.

- Borrow Ideas From Magazines That Feature Successful People And Hot Topics.

- Get Together With Another Marketer To Brainstorm Ideas.

- Turn Someone Else’s Product Launch Into Your Next BIG Payday.

Hurry and DOWNLOAD!
04-03-2013, 07:23 PM
Post: #2
Got it @chak. Rep added
