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08-17-2013, 11:27 AM
Post: #1
Fileze.net PPD - Earn $6 per thousand downloads!
Hello Everyone!

[Image: main_logo.jpg]
Fileze.net has now introduced a rewards program to encourage people to use the service. This is a fantastic way for you to earn some cash. :)

Fileze.net is paying up to $6 per thousand downloads and guess what? It doesn't matter what size file you upload! I know right, super cool. You can even cash out at just $5.

Here are the current download rates, these may change:

[Image: filezerates.png]

You can also earn, possibly, a lot more money with the referral program we offer. You will get 50% of the price for each premium user you refer (which is simply through downloading your file or through your unique link). Premium membership costs $9.99 per month. You will earn for the lifetime of their account too.

[Image: referrals.png]

Why us?

  1. We pay for all file sizes (even a small password file!).
  2. We pay for all traffic.
  3. We have a great tier 1 rate, currently $6 per thousand downloads.
  4. You can earn 50% on premium signups.
  5. Users have a great experience. You can upload files into folders for easy storage.
  6. Free users can upload whopping 2Gb files and premium users 5Gb files.

Thank you! Cool
08-29-2013, 02:38 AM
Post: #2
Get Lost and take your website also , Its better to join neobux then using your stupid website which is paying 6$ for 1000 DOWNLOADS ?
10-20-2013, 09:00 PM
Post: #3
and i think probux is far better than neobux
