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09-14-2023, 12:44 AM
Post: #1
[F4LT] Stop eating compulsively and learn to budget for food
Stop eating compulsively and learn to budget for food
Break your dependence on food, and learn how to eat and budget correctly
Free tutorial
Rating: 4.6 out of 5
(5 ratings)
111 students
30min of on-demand video

Many people today, eat compulsively, because of the high levels of stress from work, family, friends and the ever more fast pacing world, that companies and advertising have created. We keep eating larger and larger amounts of processed food, which causes us to gain unnecessary weight, lose excess amounts of money, and destroy our health. Some people however, don’t need to eat so much even today. That’s why it is possible to stop eating compulsively and become like them, and still live our lives as if nothing bad is going on. And the reality is we don’t really need that excess food, and by practicing the teachings in this course we can eliminate the need to spend so much money on food, alcohol and cigarettes. This will help us pay off debt faster, it will help us save more money for our kids college, or even retire early if we want to. In the same time we will also lose unnecessary weight and live better, more fulfilling lives. This course will help you get into a conversation with yourself and ask yourself exactly the right questions. That way you will reach a level of independence, far greater than now. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step so let us make it.


