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02-13-2015, 12:00 AM
Post: #1
[F4LT] NCTC:Total Immersion Chinese Language Teaching
[url=https://www.udemy.com/daysedunctc-online-courses/]NCTC:Total Immersion Chinese Language Teaching[/url]

Did you know that Chinese is actually one of the simplest languages to learn?

Chinese is a clearly structured, logical language, and it is this logic that makes the learning experience feel like a puzzle that anyone can solve. So, we hope to demonstrate to the world how to successfully navigate it.

① Tones. Chinese is a tonal language. Total Immersion: Immersion Chinese Language Teaching Method(that integrates Direct Method and the Audio-Lingual Method)

② The written system. Focus on reading / writing, exercises and activities. Each lesson continues where the previous one left off. Later lessons review of what was taught earlier.

If the material becomes too difficult, take a break and review older lessons. You also get downloadable PDF summaries of each lesson that you can look over on your own.

This PDF require Adobe Reader XI.

Have fun learning!

NCTC DaysEdu
