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01-08-2023, 01:38 PM
Post: #1
[F4LT] Instructional Design: Build a REAL Course with Me
Instructional Design: Build a REAL Course with Me
Design a REAL course with me as an instructional designer | Get practical instructional design experience
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367 students
1hr 2min of on-demand video

My CEO requested our Global Learning and Development Team to build a course on anti-harassment.

As an Instructional Design Lead, I designed an effective learning experience that met the organizational goal and drove a high return on investment.

Do you wanna know the exact steps I took and all the instructional design secrets?

In this instructional design course, I will show the exact steps I took as an instructional designer to create the course. So you can have practical course design experience if you are an instructional designer, learning experience designer, or eLearning developer.


