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04-05-2023, 12:24 AM
Post: #1
[F4LT] HR Dashboard -Create Effective Employee Dashboard with Excel
HR Dashboard -Create Effective Employee Dashboard with Excel
Mastering HR Analytics: Build an Interactive Employee Headcount Dashboard in Microsoft Excel for Better Business Insight
Free tutorial
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248 students
1hr 59min of on-demand video

As an HR professional, it's crucial to track employee headcount to ensure that you have the right people to meet your company's objectives. In this course, you will learn how to create an HR employee headcount dashboard in MS Excel.

This course is designed for all level who have little or no experience using MS Excel. You will learn how to create a dashboard that shows the employee headcount by department, job title, and location. You will also learn how to create interactive charts and graphs that allow you to drill down into the data to gain deeper insights.


