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12-20-2018, 03:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2018 04:11 AM by alabama.)
Post: #11
RE: Emails going to Spam
Heavy html emails usually land in Promo and spam folders. Use light html (use plain text for the message, and text links) without using email templates. Good old fashioned emails. Try it and see what happens.

I tested this some time ago. Used a mailchimp template at first. No matter what I removed or added (pics, links), the email landed in Promotions. Then, I just wrote a plain email with 2 text links. It landed in Primary.
Then I added an image. Again in primary. Added another image. Same story.
Oh, I even left the mailchimp logo from the template I used at first. Nothing happened!
When I added a price though, the email went to Promotions.

[Image: giphy.gif]

I guess that's the limit.
So, avoid templates, and write them yourself.

You can use "Litmus Putsmail" (free) to see where your mails will land.

Of course if your domain is flagged as spammy, you're out of luck, and maybe you should buy a new one.
BTW, a lot of people (including myself) are getting annoyed when they see a promo email in their primary folder (because the sender "tricked the system"). I for example, mark it as spam and send it there to die (even if the promo is legit). So, maybe try to send something useful or fun to the primary tab, and include a link at the end for more info. If you try to sell, it's promotion :)
Good luck
