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10-03-2018, 02:58 AM
Post: #1
ETH Edge Capital Airdrop 50 HEDGE = 141.5 $
[Image: logo_b5d5dc4e889cea44fc1143252c313f0a_1x-png.36586]
We are amalgamating human and machine learning to create a Proof of Intelligence (POI) hedge fund on the Ethereum blockchain, powered by the HEDGE token.

We are incentivizing the construction of an AI powered hedge fund with the HEDGE token, an Ethereum based ERC20 compliant token. The 10 million HEDGE tokens in existence represent the $28.3 million fund that ETH Edge Capital gained through fiat stock trading.

ETH Edge Capital pays Ethereum asset holders in HEDGE simply for giving indications of upcoming trade decisions. For example, ETH Edge Capital presents a HEDGE holder with the data ‘SEC rules that all ERC-721 tokens are now subject to federal securities law’ and pays the user for their hypothetical trade response based on that data.

The more Ethereum assets you have, the more we pay you for your decisions and opinions.

Click Here To John ETH Edge Capital Airdrop
