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�ı������������������������[ � AMPED PC PRESENTS � ]�����������������������IJĿ
� �
� iC3D Suite v4.0.6 �
� �
� Release Date: 2016-12-10 � Disks : 72 �
� Protection : License � Release Type: Application �
� Requirements: - �
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� ���������������������[ � RELEASE DESCRIPTION � ]��������������������� �
iC3D Suite is the first 3D packaging design and visualisation software to
offer the patented Smart Wrap Mapping software which allows labels and
artwork to be placed accurately onto complex models without the need for
tedious UVW mapping of texture coordinates.
iC3D Suite comes with a direct link into Adobe Illustrator allowing your
2D Illustrator artwork to be directly mapped onto your 3D models as base
artwork or as labels.
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���IJ���������������[ � HOW TO INSTALL/RUN THIS RELEASE � ]������������������Ŀ
� �
� o1 - Unpack the release into a directory of your choice. �
� o2 - Run the installer and install it. �
� o3 - Copy the files from /crack into the installation directory. �
� o4 - Enjoy this fine AMPED release, but buy it if you will use it. �
� o5 - As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections. �
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