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08-21-2020, 12:10 PM
Post: #1
Any Methods To Index A Page?
I'm having trouble indexing my pages even if they are submitted to GSC. Anyone know of any methods to index?

Is there a course that focuses on indexing?

I know there are services out there but I'd like to learn the process. Thanks!
08-22-2020, 02:37 AM
Post: #2
RE: Any Methods To Index A Page?

Google Search Console is not the best remedy.

There are many reasons when Google is reluctant
in adding a page to the main index:

1. Your domain's age

- new or established

2. The URL structure - SEO friendly/unfriendly:

- url is too long
- too many parameters like: ?=and, etc..

3. Technical issues on your websites:

- slow server
- mobile unfriendly
- redirect chains
- broken links
- insecure connection

4. Site map issues

5. GEO location/language issues

For example, your content/backlinks or domain IP and server
physical location is in one location (let's say it's Germany) but
you expect your page to appear in different location (USA).

e.g Google.de --> Google.com

5. and the list of reasons is going on and on....

First, do a quick audit and check if you have any technical issues
with your website and GEO location issues for your content.

Then find the right place to get a couple of links to these "stubborn" pages.

Free option:

Open an account on Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, FaceBook, Medium
Write a short article about your topic and place a link back
to the exact page you want to get indexed.

Paid option:

- Buy a guest post or a PBN link on a legit domain with good SEO metrics

Hope it helps.
Behind each business there is a purposeā€¦
