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02-04-2013, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2013 12:47 AM by GoWork.)
Post: #1
Imagine being able to blast a promotion to thousands of targeted, interested and engaged subscribers and then watching sale, after sale, after sale notifications flood your inbox.
Having your own email list is immensely powerful, but most people don’t know how to go about building one.
In this “epic” article, I’m going to reveal 50 strategies that you can employ to start adding more and more subscribers to your email list every single day.
Before we start, if you want to receive updates when new posts are published to the blog – and to receive a free copy of my best selling guide Accelerated List Building – please enter your email address into the form below.

Let’s get going…

I’m going to split this list up into a few sub-categories. First, I’ll reveal some ways to get more traffic to our squeeze page because it makes sense that the more traffic we get, the more subscribers we will get; then I’m going to reveal a few methods you can employ to use the power of a blog to generate more subscribers; after that I’ll show you how to use your own product to get more leads and finally I’ll reveal some conversion strategies to make sure you convert as much of your traffic into subscribers.
Traffic Strategies

1. Without a doubt, one of the best strategies to get more traffic and subscribers is to guest post on other blogs. Create a fantastic piece of content and convince one of the top blogs in your market to publish it. Link back to your opt-in page within – or at the end – of the article. Here’s an article revealing how I have used guest posting to get over 1,000 visitors per day: How To Guest Post Your Way To Server Crushing Traffic

2. Answer related questions on Yahoo Answers and include a subtle link in some (not all) of your answers back to your opt-in page. It’s important you don’t link back in every one of your answers or you’ll get flagged and banned. I’ve used Yahoo Answers to generate over 3,000 visitors from just a few hours of work over three years ago. Here’s how I did that… 3,108 Unique Visitors From 3 Hours Work

3. Find active forums in your market, create an account and start contributing to the discussion. After a few days and a few posts add a signature with a link back to your opt-in page. Don’t be spammy, don’t be self-promotional, just get involved and be helpful and people will click your link and join your email list.

4. Submitting articles to article directories with a link back to your opt-in page is still an incredibly effective list building strategy. Recently I paid $40 to have eight articles written. I submitted each one to EzineArticles.com only. A short while later I checked in to see how these articles were doing and was pretty shocked. The eight articles had been read over 6,000 times and generated 949 clicks. I worked out that each $5 article generated 30 subscribers at a cost of just $0.17 per subscriber. Plus this value will continue to decrease as more people read my articles, click my link and opt-in to my email list. Plus, I could now take these articles and submit them to other article directories, too.

5. Posting intelligent comments on authority blogs in your market and including a link back to your opt-in page is never going to generate you thousands of subscribers, but it will get you a little trickle – and remember, it all adds up. To make the most of this strategy subscribe to authority bloggers email lists and when they notify you of a new post, head over ASAP and leave your comment.

6. Trade your time and skills in exchange for an email list owner sending you free subscribers. Network with the big dogs in your market and find out what you can do for them in order for them to send you subscribers. Read how Ben Settle did it and how you can do the same here.

7. Running Google Adwords ads are one of the most cost effective ways to drive instant traffic to your opt-in page and to generate subscribers. If you want really cheap clicks then you can run your ads on the content network (these are ads displayed on people’s websites rather than on search results). You can get these clicks for $0.10 and under.

8. Facebook ads are another paid traffic method you can implement to get high quality targeted subscribers. Here’s a great article about running Facebook ads.

9. Participating in giveaway events is a fantastic way to get free subscribers. A giveaway event involves a number of marketers coming together and submitting a free gift in exchange for an email address. Each marketer sends their subscribers to download the free gifts and the subscribers can pick and choose which gifts they sign up to get for free. These aren’t so common anymore but if you find an event, sign up and contribute a gift.
10. If you have an existing list, then contact a fellow list owner in your market and ask to do an “ad swap”. This involves each marketer sending an email to their subscribers encouraging them to join t
he others email list. It’s a great way to get a quick subscriber boost and to build relationships with others in your niche.
11. Solo ads work in much the same way and are hugely effective if you’re just getting started and want to give your email list a quick subscriber boost. Instead of swapping promotions with someone else, you simply pay someone to send your ad to their subscribers. If you want to learn from one of the top experts at buying solo ads, and to see the real results he’s achieving, take a look at Reed Floren’s solo ad blog.

12. Take some of your existing articles and turn them into PDF files and submit them to document sharing sites. Jason Fladlien reveals how he uses this strategy very effectively inthis blog post.

13. If you are giving away a free eBook in exchange for an opt-in, then submit your opt-in page to free eBook directories. Take a look at this blog post to see how I’m doing this.

14. Put a “Refer A Friend” form on your subscription completed page. Offer a freebie in exchange for referring three friends.
15. After a subscriber has joined your email list, allow them to download another freebie if they Tweet or Facebook Like your sign up page. Read this article revealing how ViperChill.com got 700 new subscribers with this neat little trick. You can use CloudFlood.com to do this for you.

16. Get interviewed by others in your market. If you have any sort of following then you’ll probably get the occasional interview request every so often. Take those opportunities and use it to convince listeners to join your email list – while also delivering incredible content, of course.

17. If you can think of anything newsworthy in your business, write a press release and submit it to some of the free press release websites. You’ll get some direct traffic and a lot of link backs which will increase your search engine ranking.

18. Get your email list featured in newsletter and ezine directories. Here’s a great list of ezine directories.

19. Take some of your existing articles and turn them into videos. Publish them on Youtube and put a link back to your squeeze page in the description and within the video. Plus, syndicate these same videos to other video sharing sites using a service like Tube Mogul.

20. Create useful Squidoo lenses and regularly link back to your squeeze page. Google did “slap” Squidoo recently and they took a significant dive in the rankings but now they’re starting to climb again. Start creating lenses and funnel that traffic back to your opt-in page.

Get Blogging
I’ve included this as a sub-section because a blog gives as a huge amount of reach that you wouldn’t have with just a squeeze page and it enables us to drive traffic using methods that wouldn’t work for a squeeze page. You can get an unlimited amount of traffic with a blog and hopefully, if you set your site up right, a large proportion of these subscribers will join your email list.

21. Make sure you have opt-in forms in prominent positions on your blog. Have one at the top of the sidebar, perhaps have a pop over form and try to include an opt-in form at the end of each article.

22. Encourage readers to share your content on social sites like Facebook and Twitter. Make sure you have sharing buttons on your website so they just have to click once to share. I’ve got these at the end of this blog post if you want to see an example.

23. Create more content and target keyphrases that you can rank for in the search engines. Build backlinks to this content and get it to the top of Google for a passive traffic stream that turns into more subscribers. Read this article to find out how I find these keyphrases and get my blog to the top of Google for them.

24. Create a “premium quality” piece of content. Post only a teaser of it and require the reader to opt-in to read the whole article. If your teaser is good then you can get sky-high opt-in rates.

25. Invite guest authors to contribute to your blog and then when you publish their content, encourage them to share it with their Twitter and Facebook followers and to perhaps link to it from their own blog.

26. Create “link bait” content. This is when you create a piece of content that is designed to get people talking about it on social sites and linking to it from their blogs. That could be because it’s controversial or because it’s fantastic quality. This post I’m writing right now is designed to get people linking to it and sharing it because I hope it is fantastic quality and something people would be proud to share – if you agree, please use the Tweet and Facebook Share buttons at the end to share [Image: icon_smile.gif]

27. Add at least one image to each blog post you make. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but you can get a lot of traffic from Google Image search. Make sure the title of your image and alt text are related to what the image is. Aside from that, getting traffic from Google Images is more down to luck than judgement, I feel. I buy my images from iStockPhoto.com. My health blog currently gets about 50 visitors per day from Google Image search.

28. Hold a competition on your blog whereby one or more lucky readers can win a prize. It doesn’t have to be an iPad or anything expensive like that. Just make sure you make it easy to enter and perhaps require that in order to be entered you need to Tweet or Facebook Like the competition. Encourage entrants to opt-in to be notified of the results. Publicize your competition by submitting a press release and asking fellow bloggers to link to you.

29. If your blog doesn’t already auto opt-in readers who comment on your content then configure it to do so. Here’s a neat little plug-in that lets you do that. It’s $57 so will probably only be worthwhile if your blog is getting a decent number of comments already.

30. Take one of your top pieces of content and run an advertising campaign with Stumbleupon Paid Discovery. It costs $0.05 per visitor and I normally run about $25 worth. That means my blog post (which has my opt-in forms) gets exposed to 500 visitors. I know the quality of visitors aren’t great, but I still get a few opt-ins, PLUS some of these visitors also “Thumps Up” your page which gets you free stumbles and then these visitors “Thumps Up” the page to. A few also Facebook Like and Tweet about the page which enhances the viral nature of this traffic generation method. Read this article from Search Engine Journal about using Stumbleupon Paid Discovery.

Create Your Own Product
I’ve included this as a sub-section because having our own product, just like having our own blog, gives us an opportunity to take advantage of traffic generation methods that work exclusively when selling our own product.

31. Create a high value, low priced product. Pay affiliates 100% commissions on all sales they generate. Dedicate a significant amount of time to building relationships and finding affiliates. Automatically collect the email addresses of all customers and add them to your email list. Read this article revealing three clever ways to find affiliates.

32. Find affiliate partners selling their own product and encourage them to put their affiliate link for your product on their download page.

33. Find affiliate partners with their own blog and encourage them to write a review of your product or to put a banner promoting your product on their blog.

34. Find affiliate partners with their own email list and encourage them to broadcast an email to their subscribers promoting your product. Try to also get them to add a message to their auto-responder sequence.

35. For affiliates selling products more expensive than yours, allow them to give your product away for free as a bonus on their download page but require their customers to opt-in to your email list before doing so. That way you build a list of buyers without having to sell anything yourself. Here’s a great article I wrote about this strategy.

36. Add an opt-in form somewhere within your salespage encouraging readers to opt-in to download a free gift. This will help you capture some subscribers even if they don’t buy.

37. Similarly, you can add an exit pop up that appears when someone tries to leave your page. This is a fairly contentious issue as some don’t agree with it. I’m not a huge fan but do occasionally use one exit pop up. About 7-8% of the traffic that was going to leave my site now become subscribers which is quite a significant amount of new subscribers.

38. If you are in the internet marketing niche, then pay $40 to post your product as a Warrior Special Offer. Give it away for free if you like or just slash the price. You’ll get a nice little influx of sales and subscribers. Read this article revealing how I generated 500 buying subscribers in one weekend with a Warrior Special Offer.

39. Collect the email addresses of all your affiliates and send them emails with new tools they can use to promote your product. Announce time sensitive affiliate competitions to encourage them to ramp up their sales.

40. Perform an ad swap with your list of affiliates and another product owners list of affiliates. You suggest to your affiliates to promote this other persons product, and they do the same for you. You will get more subscribers who are affiliates, and those affiliates will send you more subscribers by promoting your product. (How many times did I just say “affiliates?)

How To Convert More Visitors Into Subscribers

Improving our conversions is arguably more important than getting more traffic. There are always improvements that we can make to convince more subscribers to join our email list. Imagine we are generating 1,000 visitors per day to our blog and currently converting 5% into subscribers – that’s 50 subscribers per day. Now if we make a few changes and get a 10% opt-in rate, that’s 100 subscribers per day with just a few minutes of tweaks.

41. On your blog and your opt-in page give away a free special report, audio or video rather than asking them to subscribe for a free newsletter or for updates. I’ve found this converts much higher since people love instant gratification.

42. On both your blog and your squeeze page, try to have at least one opt-in form above the fold. This means readers don’t have to scroll down to find out how to join your email list.

43. On your opt-in forms have a big submit button. Tests have shown that bigger buttons convert more readers into subscribers.
44. Increase the trust of your website by having a privacy policy and terms of use. Also state on your opt-in form that their email address will never be rented or sold and that their personal information will be kept private.

45. If you are requiring a subscriber to confirm their email address before they are added to your email list, then make sure you make it clear exactly what they have to do to confirm. Give them clear instructions after they have opted-in. I’ve also found that promising a free bonus gift if they confirm has improved confirmation rates from 40% to 85%.

46. If using an exit pop-up when someone tries to leave your website, make sure the page you send them to is ultra-short. They’ve already decided to leave your website so you need to convince them to stay in seconds. Take a look at one of my exit pages that encourages exit traffic from 100 Subscribers Per Day to opt-in.

47. Create multiple versions of your squeeze page and salespage. Use Google Website Optimizer to run all variations simultaneously. Analyse the data and see which one performs best. Once a winner has been identified run that alongside another page that you create. Test them both, find a winner and then test the winner against another. With each split test your opt-in rate and your sales conversion will gradually increase as you find what tweaks work.

48. On your blog, create really high quality content. If a reader comes to your blog and loves your content they’ll want to subscribe so that they can receive blog updates.

49. Be sure to include multiple opt-in forms on your blog. Have one at the top of the sidebar, link to your squeeze page in the top navigation menu, include an opt-in form at the end of your blog post, perhaps have a pop-over opt-in form and link to your squeeze page from within your content when relevant.

50. Get people to like you. If you can get your blog readers, squeeze page readers and salespage readers to like you, then they will want to join your list. Be yourself, be personable, be original and not only will everyone want to be on your list, they’ll also open all your emails, click your links and buy the products you recommend. And after all, that’s why we want subscribers.

Above I’ve shared 50 ways you can get more people to opt-in to your email list. Some of the methods are more effective than others; some will generate only a few extra subscribers each month; but some are immensely powerful and are capable of producing thousands more subscribers to your email list.

I don’t expect you to implement all of the above methods (I certainly don’t use all of them) but if you gradually start incorporating these strategies into your email list building plan then you’ll notice your daily number of subscribers continues to rise and rise – and so will your income!

What’s your favourite method to get more subscribers? Do you have any strategies that aren’t included in the fifty above? Leave a comment below letting everyone know.
And if you’ve found value in this blog post and you’d like to say “Thanks” then you can do so by simply Tweeting, Facebook sharing or Google Plus 1’ing this to anyone you think would be interested. The buttons are below if you wish to do so. I will be incredibly grateful.
++ Reps would be appreciated
02-04-2013, 01:30 AM
Post: #2
Do u really need to copy and paste the whole thing? Is that your site?
