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05-27-2014, 01:34 PM
Post: #1
SUPER VIP --->This Guy Right Here<---
Thank you for having me. Just got accepted and I am already in awe and slightly overwhelmed with all of the information. If it is possible everyone should be a VIP. Thank you so much.

I wish I would have done this years ago. I wasted years of time and money on nonsense. This is the best purchase I've made on anything in a while.
05-28-2014, 07:51 PM
Post: #2
How do you become a VIP?
05-28-2014, 07:54 PM
Post: #3
nice thought...better late than never !! ENjoy This forum to the fullest !! You got $50 worth it !!
05-28-2014, 07:56 PM
Post: #4
He paid just $50 to become one... You can be for free if admins think your contributions are worth it and you are getting hype of your own in this forum..
1.do good posts
2.do better posts
3.Do the best posts !! Make others Jawdrop with the stuff that you give and get a free VIP membership for Lifetime !!
(05-28-2014 07:51 PM)bonestaak Wrote:  How do you become a VIP?
05-28-2014, 08:06 PM
Post: #5
Congrats man!!
[Image: web-hosting-banner.jpg]
05-28-2014, 08:14 PM
Post: #6
Welcome to the forum buddy, read the rule, contribute and most of all
Take Action, with the stuff you get here, don't just fill up your hard drives

Use it

Cap ;)

Fancy a GB ?
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05-28-2014, 09:37 PM
Post: #7
Hello, I am just a newbie in this forum..
How can we become VIP and what is RAP?
Sorry to ask this annoying question..
