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09-12-2018, 03:15 PM
Post: #1
this so demanding qualification now a days. people build million $$$ bot agency without investment. and earn a good money at least $2k from client! so share it or start a gb!

sales page: https://botacademy.com/join/

[Image: BJ9Zd3h.png]

Week 1: How to build your bot (If you can use MailChimp or Aweber, you have the technical skills to do this)
Even if you don’t know how to code, in this step-by-step video screencast, I’ll show you how to setup your first campaign, add messages, drip it to your audience, and follow up. You’ll be building your bot alongside me.
Week 2: How to write your chat bot script (that converts super high, and is designed to sell).
In this module, I’ll show you how to write short-form, persuasive copy…even if you’ve never written sales copy before.
Plus, you’ll learn a tip we discovered for increasing click rates by 20% and how to create a funnel that leads to a sale.
Week 3: How to get people to opt-in (And get signups 4x to 8x cheaper/faster).
I’ve seen a lot of people who build great bots…but no one signed up. So then they think bots are a waste of time, when really, they screwed up. You can’t expect someone to come to you and subscribe to your bot. You have to promote it. In this module, we’ll show you how.
You’ll learn how to do one-click subscription, how to automate it, how to incorporate your bot with your other marketing campaigns, and more.
Week 4: How to get clients (Like how we trained Mary to get to $12,000/mo in less than 4 months).
The secret is showing your potential clients just enough so that they understand how bots work and see how it’ll deliver a clear ROI, but not so much that they get overwhelmed. We’ll show you exactly how to do that, along with how to do a demo that closes the sale.
You’ll also get a template you can use inside Pipedrive, a sales management app, to help you close sales and stay accountable.
Week 5: Advanced Optimization (We’ll work directly with the group to improve everyone’s bots and give personalized help when needed).
This is where we go deeper into bots. We’ll show you how to add more intelligence to your bot, how to combine different bots, how to mix bot platforms, how to get tracking data, how to collect payment, and more.
And, I’ve also put together a special bonus package:

Bonus 1: One year of free Messenger marketing software, so you don’t have to pay anything to run your campaign… ($600+ value)
Bonus 2: A listing as one of my certified Messenger campaign consultants. ($1,000+ value).
Bonus 3: Five group coaching call sessions during the course ($2,500 value).
Bonus 4: A swipe-able campaign template you can use with your clients (a $1,000 value).
09-13-2018, 11:00 PM
Post: #2
Free Mini Course

Mini Module 1 to 5
PHP Code:

Mini Module 6 to 10
PHP Code:

Some Files : (Bot Academy v2)
PHP Code:
No need to rep
