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01-28-2015, 01:23 PM
Post: #1
[REQ] $11,000 Sales Funnel - Funnelr

Guaranteed The Easiest Money You’d Make in 2015

Slap your name on my $11,000 sales funnel and keep all the profits to yourself!

Finally… The first ‘copy n paste’ system that actually works!

Kory Pearman

By now you gotta be sick of your sales funnel not making any money.

But don’t panic, you’re in the same boat as every other marketer who’s ever tried to pull this off…

You hear stories about ‘set-and-forget passive income streams’ where you put together funnels that make you money around the clock… but for some reason…

As much work as you put into it, regardless of what you paid for it…
no matter how much value you’re giving away…

Your funnels don’t make a dime.

Or barely make enough to cover your hosting costs.

I get it.

…and if you do get subscribers they’re freebie-seeking vultures too cheap to spend any money.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

Let’s face it, building funnels sucks.

…ok maybe it doesn’t suck, because sales funnels are the easiest and fastest ways to make a living online.

I make about $15,000 a month from funnels alone.

But it’s pretty d*** hard…

It’s a lot that goes into crafting the perfect funnel and probably WAY more than you think.

It’s actually a science…
  • You gotta know your market inside and out and know exactly what they want.
  • You gotta be a copywriter to string together the right words to
    persuade them to take your offer.
  • You gotta be a designer so your site doesn’t look like a 6 yr old girl put it together.
  • You gotta be tech-savy to ensure your site actually functions.
  • You gotta be awesome at writing emails to follow up with your subscribers to keep income flowing.
  • You gotta keep some extra cash lying around to run countless tests.
Can you do all that? I doubt it.

Hell, neither can I.

And that’s a ridiculous amount of work!

Eventually you’ll fall into the same cycle of working another JOB…

…except this one doesn’t pay you ANYTHING and you slave away in front of your computer losing money!

That’s not the true internet lifestyle.

You’re here to make money, and a lot of it, without
sacrificing the time you can be spending doing the things that you
actually enjoy.

Oh and don’t get me started on ‘outsourcing’ this stuff…

That’s a joke.

Half of the people selling funnels don’t know a SINGLE thing about
turning visitors into cash.

The worst part is…

While you’re stuck trying to figure everything out and being slowed
down by empty promises, tiny sales funnels are thriving and are at an
all-time high!

In fact, right now it’s easier than it has ever been to make a comfortable
living from sales funnels…

And to be honest, it’s leaving you in the dust

But you’re probably asking who the hell is this guy and what does he know about putting together profitable funnels?

Well if you don’t know me my name is Kory Pearman.

(and yes, that’s my real picture up there – I’m a real guy – not some bozo hiding behind a silly avatar)

Over the years I’ve made a name for myself from building these
tiny funnels for quite a few of your favorite marketers.

These little funnels have made me and my buddies pretty darn rich.

Ok, maybe not that rich.

But we’re pretty well off.

Well enough to mosey through the holiday seasons stress-free and live pretty comfortably.

We call them “micro-businesses.”

But though they’re small – they bring in A LOT of cash – with very
little work, and usually for years to come.

In fact…

Here’s one that made over $11,200… in 3 months!

It’s the same funnel that paid off an awesome Hawaii vacation my
fiance and I took this Christmas!

Straight cash! And I’m talking a luxurious two-bedroom suite…

Heated 46-by-82 foot infinity pool overlooking Waikiki Beach…

Room service from award-winning chefs…

Stress-free, relaxing nights in ocean side cabanas…

And more Pina Coladas than either one of us could remember to count!

All paid for with “lazy” affiliate commissions… Heck, I don’t even own my product – and we still had plenty left over to put aside for our next trip.

This tiny funnel literally covered everything…

And it’s the same funnel that I’m giving you access to right now!

Obviously this isn’t your typical “done-for-you sales funnel.”

You’re not gonna find this being sold for $7 on a forum somewhere…

This funnel has been in my private vault for a while and HUNDREDS of hours went into fine-tuning this machine.

Over the months I put this thing together:
  • I did extensive market research and pin-pointed exactly what this market CRAVES
  • I hired one of the best copywriters online and we created a squeeze page that converts at a whopping 70%
  • We strategically crafted the OTOs to do HUGE numbers in affiliate commissions
  • My graphic designer spent weeks designing every page making
    everything clean, professional and trust-worthy
  • I perfectly monetized the “giveaway report” to be yet another
    consistent income stream
  • We even split tested this baby dozens of times to ensure high
    conversions throughout the entire funnel
And honestly I’m still floored by the results!

Even top solo-ad vendors are calling this the “best offer they’ve ever sent traffic too.”

This thing is insane…

And for a few lucky people, this is going to help you make more money than you’ve made all year in 2014.

This is basically like a machine that prints out hundred-dollar bills.

If you can copy and paste…This will be the easiest money you’d ever make. And I seriously don’t say that often.

Mark my words, this is YOUR year to actually make some money for a change and I’m equipping with everything you need to do it.

Even better…

You’ll have this funnel up, running and making SALES in 3 easy steps:

It really doesn’t get much easier than this.

But don’t just buy it and let it collect dust on your hard drive –
This is for serious people who will actually put it into action…
  • Build a list of subscribers into the tens of thousands…
  • Trash all of those silly, cheap WSOs and finally make some money for once…
  • Own an actual business that will continue to put money in your
    account for years to come!
Consider this your unfair advantage to jump over the tedious work, the trial and error, the headache, the frustration, the failure – and land feet first in your most profitable year to date!

Here’s exactly what I’m giving you…

My massively, high-converting squeeze page:
This is by far one of the best squeeze pages I’ve ever put together. Though it’s simple, conversions are impressively high!

The last test I ran it converted at over 70%… and that’s from cheap, solo ad traffic.

This page was designed to do two things – to collect leads and warm
up the subscribers for the OTOs – and it does that flawlessly. You’re
going to love having this in your arsenal.

The giveaway report I use to get subscribers:
We use this report to get people to optin to our list, and it does its job.

It’s not only going to teach your new subscribers some pretty cool ways to grow their own lists…we monetized it to be a standalone money-maker…

This little ebook is responsible for THOUSANDS of dollars that I make this funnel.

My video OTO pages:
Now this is where the true magic happens!

After your new subscribers opt in to your list they’ll land on 2
videos I made to promote affiliate products that compliment the ebook,
and I
explain why they need to drop what they’re doing and purchase them.

These convert insanely and are going to explode the commission stats in your dashboard.

…even better, I use these to promote Warrior+ and JvZoo offers – so you’ll get paid instantly after each sale!

This funnel will be the best thing you’ve ever done for your business

If you’ve been looking for a surefire and guaranteed way to add on some extra income for 2015, this is it.

And honestly if I were to charge you what this thing is worth (or
even a fraction of what I make with it) you’ll easily be paying in the

Don’t take my word for it… test-drive the funnel risk-free for an entire month!

Trust me, I know this funnel is going to rock your world. And if it
doesn’t, I’m giving you a full 30-days to get your full investment back.

So grab this. Run the wheels off it for a whole month.

Build your list as big as you can get it.

Make more money than you’ve ever made online with this thing.

If you’re not impressed by the results (which is doubtful) – simply
send me an email: “Dear Kory, this sucks. I can’t get this thing to
convert and I want my money back.”

No hard feelings. You’ll be refunded in full and you can carry on with your business as if it never happened.

So you’ve got nothing to lose and literally everything to gain here.

Pull the trigger and grab this while it’s still available!

If you get in today, I’ll show you my
closely-guarded traffic secrets!

Watch these videos and never struggle for traffic ever again!

Everyone needs traffic – it’s the backbone of any online business and this one is no exception.

Luckily for you, I’ve got you covered – nothing makes me happier than seeing my customers succeed.

So to help you out, I shot a few over-the-shoulder videos showing you
exactly what I do to send cheap and super-targeted traffic to my
funnels. And you’ll get access to these videos completely free with your

But this offer is extremely time-sensitive and expires the second the clock strikes zero.

Hurry! Secure your 70% discount + FREE Traffic Videos!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What niche is the funnel in?

    I built this funnel in the make money online niche and it teaches people how to build lists.
  • Will the squeeze page work with any autoresponder?

    Absolutely! I supply form codes for both Aweber and
    Getreponse, however if you use a different autorepsonder, simply replace
    the form the code with your own.
  • I’m not tech-savy, can I set this up?

    Yep! This funnel can literally be up and running on your
    server in 10 minutes. I shot a few videos walking you through the
    process and it’s just a matter of uploading the files to your website.
  • What are the PLR rights?

    This funnel is for personal use only. You may not sell or giveaway the funnel.

01-29-2015, 05:43 AM
Post: #2
looks interesting... bump
01-29-2015, 02:19 PM
Post: #3
Can anybody share this?
01-30-2015, 12:05 AM
Post: #4
looks good... bump

thanks in advance
01-31-2015, 06:05 PM
Post: #5
Would love to have this. another bump from me. thanks in advance.
02-01-2015, 08:48 AM
Post: #6
one last bump
02-01-2015, 09:49 AM
Post: #7
02-01-2015, 10:53 AM
Post: #8
wow, thanks!
