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09-04-2022, 07:45 PM
Post: #71
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
(09-04-2022 06:04 PM)lala Wrote:  
(09-03-2022 06:43 PM)khawk1 Wrote:  Honestly, this is the worst idea ever!
BBHF is simply being diluted by spreading the content on 2 different platforms.

Nowadays there are many many BBHF type sites, and as such, the result will be that more and more people are leaving BBHF and moving over to other sites.

People may come and go. We cannot force anyone to stay here. They have their own freedom to do that.
That would be fine with us. What we are more focus is on keeping BBHF and MVP site useful for everyone.
We are NOT really worried after all with all those upcoming BBHF type sites, in fact we would be happy if there would be many BBHF type sites that would appear,
this only mean one thing if you are being COPIED then it means your very useful to them.

(09-03-2022 06:43 PM)khawk1 Wrote:  I am sure that if we could look at the backend of BBHF it would show a steep decline in both visitors and time spent on the site if you look back and compare it to eg. 2-3 years ago.
This idiotic plan seems like something that has been created while desperately hanging on for dear life, and hoping not to lose the last grasp on the BBHF community.

Since khawk1 was asking us to show real stats of visitors then how about looking on this stats.
[Image: rXqNOyT.png]
Now let us compare it on what you want from 2 to 3 years ago.
[Image: WPwnBpf.png]

Now if you still wanna know for last month
[Image: uMUo8UX.png]

See the last month statisctic from August 04, 2022 to Sept 04, 2022 that even MVP site already started silenty,
still the number of thread(s) and post(s) from members are still pointing upward.

If would be perfect normal to see a decrease on numbers of threads or shares on BBHF decrease because some of the "top contributor" already started
and moved on the MVP site but despite that there are still top contributor who still contribute and share even up to this date.

(09-03-2022 06:43 PM)khawk1 Wrote:  The problem is, however, that if you wanted to keep a good grasp on the community, BBHF should have been MUCH better at dealing with scammers, and kept improving the site, not just let shit fall apart and now years later, try to pick up the pieces.

It's honestly most likely too late since other platforms have looked at how you guys handled shit here and used it for a guide as to what NOT to do...

If you want to do something, then you need to fix the BBHF forum, not make a new forum.
In BBHF there are so many times where scammers are being allowed to stay on the platform and other bullshit.

Fix all the crap, and protect the BBHF.
Don't go for the easy quick money, as there is no community on the other site, so you will never get anything close to what BBHF is, or at least has been for many years.

I reported a scammer that was allowed to stay in BBHF for over 2 years despite scamming many people here in the GB section, and that case is far from a lone case.. A typical case that should never have been possible. You scam, you're gone forever!

Fix your shit, do a better job with maintaining the forum, and forget that idiotic plan.

I don't understand at what part as "super mod" i failed.
If i check all your support centre it was being handle by me, never did i ignore you or anyone else here. You even got your money back as mentioned by you,
i am surprise at what part i had failed you when in fact you can always count on me, i always replied to anyone unlike mod Omni Potens who ignore members, but me as a super mod here, everyone can always count on me.
[Image: 70nWBLv.png]

@everyone dont be shy, you can always send me a pm and ask for help, and i will do my best to assist and help you one at a time since replying on hundreds of pm per day was not that easy but rest assured all are being handled with care :)

You assume that we allow scammers to stay on BBHF without even asking us what we already did.
BBHF never tolerate any scammers if you check our record(s) , Omni Potens ban many scammer account even they are VIP members.
I am sure you were referring to wombat67, we take care this already even without relying on your report.
There are others who also reported him. The ONLY REASON he was not banned so that we can collect as much as more ip address to him/her so that we can monitor any new accounts that would match his/her account.
Banning him/her is not a solution since if we do that he/she can simply happily run away with all the money he/she collected and he/she can re-register with a new account with a new identity,
it is already enough he/she was NOT banned but members already knew what kind of members he/she was and
at the same time he/she can no longer run any BSO/GB again.
You assume he/she was not banned because we love scammers? your totally wrong with that, we rather see this scammers not banned but putting them shame on public for the rest of their life.

and one more thing i strongly disagree on you when you say it was the worst or idiotic plan that Admin Mikhael come up with, it was the opposite on what you think,
you see we had nothing to prove here. MVP members on the other site already done their part and continue to do their part.
You cannot force them or blame them if they stop sharing here on BBHF and wanted to move on the MVP site. It was their choice and freedom.

Come back on what i say year(s) from now and you will see much more better improvement both on BBHF and MVP site.
BBHF will still be the "best black hat forum" we have, nothing will change even MVP site exist.
You mention it on your post above "more and more people are leaving BBHF and moving over to other sites."
MVP will solve that issue, why move on other site(s)? when MVP site will cover almost everything, plan are already set in motion.

Give us a chance before you assume it was the worst or idiotic idea, there are already lot of useful and expensive course(s) been shared on the MVP loot even the site was new
and this was just the beginning :)

If your in doubt or anyone in doubt and do not trust Admin Mikhael, or do not trust me, your free to stay on BBHF or move to other site you prefer.
You have all the freedom to do that and we wont force anyone to stay :)


Updated as of 09-04-2022, 08:07 AM

First 100 will be listed here for $60:
1) alondra (Eth Miner)
2) schnapii (Eth Miner)
3) pripevo4ka (Eth Miner)
4) Akaski (Eth Miner)
5) Panc******** (Eth Miner) (wanted his name not posted, he will use different name on mvp site)
6) BbHf (Eth Miner)
7) HighSkilledExploiter (Eth Miner)
8) Lenibeth (Eth Miner)
9) King Of Marketing (Eth Miner)
10) Omni Knoweth (Eth Miner)
11) Mark Zucherberg (Eth Miner)
12) MoneyStar (Eth Miner)
13) Satoshi Nakamoto (Eth Miner)
14) UpdatedAlways (Eth Miner)
15) Seo Expert (Eth Miner)
16) Fely L. (mvp access paid)
17) Creat****** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
18) Artu*** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted) and will use different username
19) Jasmine Kate (mvp access paid)
20) Seofreak (mvp access paid)
21) Gree*** ***** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
22) MirrorMan (mvp access paid)
23) NullC******* *** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
24) dimson (mvp access paid)
25) EcomCoin
26) Chito
27) Engr **** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
28) godheir
29) d********en (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted) and already use different username
30) Nitang
31) ch******** (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted) and already use different username
32) bl****w (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted) and already use different username
33) crea*******3 (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
34) sm*****5 (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
35) z****c (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
36) c***t (mvp access paid) (does not want username posted)
37) fritz (mvp access paid)
38) Hun (mvp access paid)
39) California Kid (mvp access paid)
40) harrypotter (mvp access paid)
41) omarsabah (mvp access paid)


(41 slots paid, 59 slots open)

Lala, I love this your write up.
09-04-2022, 07:51 PM
Post: #72
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
lala, you never failed this forum or anyone on the forum. you live up to the name supermod in my opinion

but one thing you do fail in is understanding other peoples points and i am not convinced it's a failure to understand. i think it's more of a failure to be negative toward the forum in any way.

the people who talked about group buys have a valid point yet you even said your self you don't understand the problem. well there really isn't any other way to communicate it any better for people to understand. but just because people don't understand it possibly, doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

khawk went to extreme but there is truth in everything. even i noticed the decline of activity. these stats don't mean much when the forum was run in a way to increase spam post counts and thread bumps. you guys literally allowed users to do this which made the forum less useful and spammy. that's just a fact and these stats don't tell that story.

now i am very good at spotting things and piecing things together. it's why i can sniff out a smapper and scammer from a mile off. there is a hidden agenda going on right now and it started about a year ago. even one of my posts never got approved when i shed light on something similar to this hidden agenda.

i understand that this is a business and a business is to make money but let's not hide the fact that this is an attempt to make more. all the benefits of this other forum are secondary just like we can't hide the negative consequences this second forum will have on this one. it's why scammers are allowed to start bso threads even against the rules sometimes and it's why group buys cost $100. it's why people who have paid to this forum get extra hidden privlidges and allowed to get away with a little more than a free user or leecher.

the forum, the admin, the mods have never addressed these issues on this forum. if they have, i certainly never saw it. and these are hidden issues not to be talked about. it's just how it is and how the forum is being run and members....especially high contributor members have no say.

khawk went to an extreme to make a point. i don't like promoting extreme explanations myself but i understand it. he loves bbhf or use to just like me and others who have contributed and passionate about bbhf and what it stood for and the potential it could be. can't really blame us for that. but please don't try to discredit what we say because there IS truth to it. it's just not going to be acknowledged by you or omni or the admin. if it hasn't yet, it never will be

you have some passionate users here on the forum and all we want to see is that bbhf survives and stops spiraling in a downward trend with more and more spammy posts and threads and people breaking rules and getting away with it. if that can't happen, then bbhf is already dead because it's already declining in quality and has been for the last 5 years. this is from my personal observation that i don't need stats for. we all know it's true whether we admit it or not. none of us are stupid here :) it's still one of the best forums but it wont be in another 5 years if it continues down this road....and especially if hidden agendas continue. making money in a business is one thing but if done wrong, it can lead to desperation and greed and those two things will make things fail in the long run slowly and gradually.....little by little progressively over time....small negative changes will occur over time and small enough to where most people wont even notice right away.

it's not my place to tell people how to run this forum but it IS my place and khawk's place and other people's place who care about this forum to try and bring up issues to think about. this forum is absolutely NOTHING without it's members. if it wasn't for the members, the forum would be dead. the most highly valuable members are the ones NOT running group buys and bso's. the people running those have one thing in mind and one thing only....to make money. they could care less about the forum(with some exceptions). they aren't the true members of this forum. they don't create threads with intelligent conversations and they aren't the members sharing in the wso section or the vip downloads section unless it's sometimes to promote their bso against the rules sometimes(with exceptions ofcourse). but i see time and time again that it's THOSE people who are given a little more special treatment.

even i had to stop reporting people. i don't help the forum by not reporting but i have no choice when certain people are given special treatment. and so less reporting is going to also bring down the quality of the forum.

but this is EXACTLY why i am supporting this other project and bbhf admin. i'm hoping i will like this new forum so i can finally disappear from this forum which is declining in quality that nobody seems to care to fix. even if i don't like the new forum. it's ok. i still support the forums and the bbhf admin for a great job he did for years. nothing is going to ever be perfect and certainly no decision/choice will be perfect for EVERYONE. it's just impossible to please everyone especially if the forum wants to get paid for it's useful service. i can say this. the price was never unfair to be vip here and not an unfair price for the new forum either. it seems to be very fair and reasonable for anyone who wants to support this forum or the other forum.

i am writing all this to support what khawk said so he doesn't feel alone in what he said. like i said, there is truth in everything. we can't discredit it or we are ignoring the problems. how can we be the best we can be if we ignore the problems? we state the problems as members because we care. it's not to down bbhf and the forum we came to love for whatever reason why we were here and how we choose to use the forum.

lastly, to touch on what he said about group buys. there IS a problem with them and if we are going to be transferring the group buys over to the new forum, then we are transfering the problems along with the group buys. and that to me is a scary thought to start a new forum that way. but like i said, it's not my place to tell people how to run their own forum and business. only to offer suggestions and insight that members who care about the forum have a hard time ignoring.

anyway, you never failed this forum lala. under all the forum conditions, you have obviously always tried your best. you care about this forum AND the members and it clearly shows. you have a heart and your empathetic....but you do tend to ignore certain problems which makes people feel discredited a little. i am actually surprised you lasted this long here lala because most others with your qualities woulda been gone a long time ago. you have always put in a lot of work here and put up with a lot of b.s.. which could lead to major burnout.
09-04-2022, 10:00 PM
Post: #73
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
Hi Lala, i am interested.
09-04-2022, 11:10 PM
Post: #74
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
Thank you California Kid.

If every one or majority does not want "GB" (group buy) on MVP site, then lets remove it for forever. There is no way any share thread will be deleted unless the creator or developer are part of the MVP site or it was a BSO. They had to report the exact thread ID so their product will be deleted.

I hope everyone is happy now :)
This mean that the spirit of "sharing is caring" will once again live on.

BBHF will be the only site that will be allowed to run GB
while MVP site will NEVER be allowed to run any GB so that shares from the MVP site will be unstoppable.
Imagine MVP site containing all access to all other forum and paid forum in which watermark and non watermark courses and even courses that do not use default BBHF password but uses other password will also be allowed.
Sounds good also with me :)

Thank you again @everyone.

09-05-2022, 03:50 AM
Post: #75
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
Hi lala,

How do I pay?
May I have a payment link please?

09-05-2022, 09:20 AM
Post: #76
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
Ill take a spot lala
09-05-2022, 12:58 PM
Post: #77
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
Hi send me the payment link
09-05-2022, 06:13 PM
Post: #78
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
hey lala, i'd be happy to support the new site, pls send payment link..
09-05-2022, 06:17 PM
Post: #79
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
(09-04-2022 06:04 PM)lala Wrote:  I don't understand at what part as "super mod" i failed.
If i check all your support centre it was being handle by me, never did i ignore you or anyone else here. You even got your money back as mentioned by you,
i am surprise at what part i had failed you when in fact you can always count on me, i always replied to anyone unlike mod Omni Potens who ignore members, but me as a super mod here, everyone can always count on me.
[Image: 70nWBLv.png]

@everyone dont be shy, you can always send me a pm and ask for help, and i will do my best to assist and help you one at a time since replying on hundreds of pm per day was not that easy but rest assured all are being handled with care :)

You assume that we allow scammers to stay on BBHF without even asking us what we already did.
BBHF never tolerate any scammers if you check our record(s) , Omni Potens ban many scammer account even they are VIP members.
I am sure you were referring to wombat67, we take care this already even without relying on your report....

Wombat67 is still not banned, despite it being 3+ years and he scammed many people. Yes, I got my money back through Paypal, but that does not make it OK. You scam, and you should be gone immediately!

@Lala, I have nothing against you. You always did a great job communicating, and dealing with everything, always have, but the fact is that he is still not banned. And he is just one in a long line..


Very good that BBHF still got a decent number of visitors, I did not expect that the level would be similar to that 3 years ago. Guess that one could argue it is strange it hasn't grown in 3 years, but I guess that's the dilution since many of the members are now on other sites and the fact that many IM-interested people never even get to BBHF because they end up on other sites..!

Thanks for sharing the screenshots :-)
- There is no elevator to Success, You have to take the stairs. Cool
09-05-2022, 06:25 PM
Post: #80
RE: [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com
I made a mistake in my visitor rate in the prior message, sorry about that, but for whatever reason, we can't post live in this section or correct messages, so this is the only option I got.

Also, @Californiakid explained my feelings 10 x better than me somehow..
