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01-08-2017, 06:16 PM
Post: #1
Just wanted to say hi and ask a few questions
Hello all~ Been a lurker here for about a year now. Mostly just browsing the forum and looking for things that may spark some interest. I've been wanting to get into IM or make money online for years now but just never really knew where to get started. I'm 24 living in the USA, have a next to useless Bachelor's Degree, $40k+ in student loan debt, working at a retail job making less than a livable wage, and to top it all off I'm getting married in September of this year. Fun times right?

So I was wondering if anyone here could give me some advice about some next steps I should take with respect to my goals and how best to go about reaching them.

Goal #1
Quit my current job at a retail store making approximate $250 a week and replace that income entirely with online passive or active income which would be about $30/day.

Goal #2
Expand/scale the business from Goal #1 or create new line(s) of income to reach $150/day.

If I can reach $150/day passively that would literally open up the door for a truly comfortable life for me. I'm not looking for millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars, I just want the freedom to do the things I want to do and that amount is the amount I've calculated to be able to do that.

Thanks in advance!
