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05-23-2013, 05:30 PM
Post: #1
[HELP] TheSource elegantthemes

Could you help me? I get this theme from my friend and i wanna change background color of slider, but i don't know how

I found this on documentation :

You can also adjust the background color of the slider to match your image. Name the custom field 'Color' (case sensitive) and assign it a numeric value that corresponds to the desired HTML color code (you don't need to include the '#' as the template adds it automatically). Ie, for a black background you'd use the value '000000' (or '000' or '0'), red would be 'ff0000' or 'f00', etc.

But i don't see any Color field. That it shoudl looks http://www.elegantthemes.com/demo/?theme=TheSource

Thanks !
05-24-2013, 01:01 PM
Post: #2
Pls. check your page or post and you can directly set the bg of the slider. its located after the post there are settings there u can't missed it! if u need more help u can PM me
