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12-05-2011, 12:06 PM
Post: #1
[GET] YouAuto Free Trainable Webbrowser Automation Software
Quote:Was coding this software for the past 3 days, and I decided to make it a donationware. It will be free for all to use, just dont sell it to other people.

virustotal report:
Download Link:
Most of the functions are self-explanatory, but heres some instructions.

Webbrowser Tasks:
1. Navigate Url - go to a url/link
2. Start Condition - starts a conditional task, if true, all tasks enclosed inside this and "End Condition" Tasks will be ran.
3. End Condition - you need to use this as a pair with start condition
4. FillField - use to fill field like username(you can use tokens like $username), etc, you can add by any of this:
- from add task menu
- clicking on a browser, and press "Alt+f", currenthtmlelement will be set to the currentfield you selected, then add "add field" button.
5. click button - clicks an html button, you can either set click button by name/id, or by index(0-based)
6. Captcha - Give a rule to captcha(e.g. url must contain "api.recaptcha.net", then set what field the captcha answer will be placed)
6. wait - wait for few seconds before going to next task
7. log - logs a certain string/text to log viewer.
8. SaveTextToFile - saves text/strings to file, can use tokens like $username to save the current created username etc.

- I added a sample script under "scripts" folder, just load it and try to run it.
- Give thanks if you like it.

I hope there will be no flaming etc, this is given free without warranty. Other features will be added in the future, for now I just want the core(the trainer) to be complete before adding other features.


You need to have .net 4.0 installed on your machine to run this software. Tried it on win7 32bit. Please post suggestions here and I will add them if I have the time.
12-05-2011, 02:25 PM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] YouAuto Free Trainable Webbrowser Automation Software
thank you! but what this for?
