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08-17-2022, 01:27 AM
Post: #11
@darkweb: I just saw your post here, so excuse me for not replying before now. I just posted a lengthy reply over on the other thread where you posted your share. I am very happy you have begun to share.

I added MAX REPs several times for that! Keep up the good work and if there is anything you feel I can help you with, just send me a PM.

Especially if they are valuable, you will find that your shares will get a whole lot more VIEWS (from "lookey-sees" who are there to download) versus posts to give you feedback or kind thanks.

It takes some time getting used to; especially if you're "old school" and grew up at a time when manners mattered. It's like many of these people were raised by wolves (but that gives wolves a bad rap).

@All: I (and others here) have posted all kinds of ways to use the search engines to find downloads, so there's no excuse NOT to share. It's a conscious decision.

Even posts to share new mirrors of current or past shares is a contribution.

There are things this forum's leaders can do to curtail access to a lot of the value available in the public forum, to force the hand of leeches to earn their keep.

Instead, they force actions that amp up the level of brain-dead we're already dealing with.

For example, some threads are set up to require long-standing "members" with little reputation to have to post something before the thread becomes "unlocked;" so they can then see it, like the rest of us, and access any links, etc.

Maybe the intention was good. They're trying to get members to engage more by posting to the thread but this seems like a stretch.

What do you expect someone who doesn't contribute value to write in a post? Clearly, they are only there to GET.

I would think posting something like: "Thank you for sharing this. I am adding max reps!" (and then actually following up by adding whatever rep points you can afford for the OP) would be an appropriate action. They will be able to see your reps in their account's User panel stats.

Instead, the very thing you expect of a non-contributing member of a community manifests to sully the forum's reputation.

You find the thread becomes an eye-sore with a long length of posts that all read: Post to Unlock.

Simple instructions go over the heads of some people! Instead of writing an actual post, they type the words of the instruction in their post: "Post to Unlock"

And those who come to the thread afterwards mindlessly repeat that post.

DUH! Hitface Mad Slap NotWorking

It truly amazes me how the forum's leadership seems to embrace mind-numbing and counter-productive efforts that, instead of helping, do more to get in the way of progress.

I don't know who to blame --- but this forum is becoming a train wreck and leeching is just one of its problems.

for reading!
10-14-2022, 08:20 PM
Post: #12
Post to Unlock......wait wrong thread...LOL!
Thanks for AGAIN posting this as it's a great resource for ALL members, new and old, to learn new ways to find good stuff to share here.

Max Reps sent and have a great weekend too!
